ZMART is the abbreviation for the ZJU Micro-Aerial Robotics Team, majorly for the International Aerial Robotics Competition in the Asia-Pacific Venue. ZMART won the Best System Design Award (2015 in Beihang University) and the First Prize Award (2016 in Beihang University).
2018年8月27日,经国际空中机器人大赛(IARC)委员会评定,浙江大学代表队ZMART以综合评分第一、比赛成绩第一,获得IARC第七代任务世界冠军,赢得2万美元比赛奖金。浙江大学成为继斯坦福大学(1995),卡耐基梅隆大学(1997),柏林工大(2000),佐治亚理工(2008),麻省理工(2009),清华大学(2013)之后IARC第七个世界冠军得主。自此第七代任务结束,IARC比赛进入第八代任务。更多信息,请见页面:ZMART made a record in the IARC history
Team Structure for 2017
- 总体组:王宏达、翁一桢、邱炜、万旭东、郭磊、叶鸿凯
- 感知组:朱疆成、崔粲、茹祥宇、朱均、汪哲培、王琦
ZMART featured in media
- 2016, ZMART Featured in Media
ZMART Performance video
- 2016 IARC Official Results
- 2016 IARC Performance Collection – ZMART
- ZMART 2017 Trailer – We need you
- 2015 – the Best System Design Award 最佳系统设计
- 2016 – the First Prize (the Asia-Pacific Venue) 亚太赛区冠军
- 2017 – the First Prize (the Asia-Pacific Venue) 亚太赛区冠军
2016 the First Prize in the Asia-Pacific Venue
- 指导老师:许超、张宇
- 队员:王宏达、翁一桢、叶波、茹祥宇、朱均、万旭东、朱疆成、崔粲、邱炜、郭磊
- Technical Progress: Visual Odometry, Boundary Detection (SVM), Dynamic Approaching (DP), Reinforcement Learning
- Platform: DJI M100
- Task Computer: Intel NUC i5
- Navigation: DJI Guidance / Hokuyo UTM-30LX
- Vision: Bluefox

2015 Best System Design Award in the Asia-Pacific Venue
- 指导老师:许超、王伟、张宇
- 队员:崔粲、叶长春、王宏达、翁一桢、叶波、邱炜、朱疆成、茹祥宇、黄永斌
- Technical Progress: Visual Tracking to Moving Target
- Platform: X650 Carbon
- Flight Controller: Pixhawk
- Propulsion: T-Motor
- Power: ACE
- Navigation: Hokuyo URG-04LX / PX4-Flow
- Vision: Bluefox
- 指导老师:许超
- 队员:秦通、翁一桢、娄常绪、黄夏楠、刘昊俣、王钟雷、陈乙宽、叶长春、朱疆成、韩滔
- Technical Progress: 3D printing, ROS
- Platform: X650 Carbon
- Flight Controller: DJI Wookong
- Task Computer: Intel NUC i5
- Propulsion: HLY / HobbyWing
- Power: ACE
- Navigation: Hokuyo UTM-30LX / Ultrosonic Sensor
- Vision: USB camera
- 指导老师:许超
- 队员:崔粲、朱疆成、邱炜、俞中杰、王文龙、韩滔、张泉泉
- Technical Progress: Flight Control, SLAM, Auto-exploration, Visual Tracking
- Platform: X650
- Task Computer: ARM cortex A9
- Flight Computer: Yutu
- Propulsion: 新西达(XXD) / (好盈)HobbyWing
- Navigation: Hokuyo UTM-30LX / Ultrosonic Sensor
- Power: ACE
Research Prototype

“Battlecruiser operational.” IARC 2016 and 2017 main competition platform.
Science Vessel
“Explorer reporting.” Human In The Loop (HITL) research, keyboard operation (get out of RC controller), video and sensor data real-time transmission, manipulator installed.
“Wraith awaiting launch orders.” Flight control, servo, formation, basic HITL, aerial carrier.
“I sense a soul in search of answers.” Indoor formation, swarm, aerial carrier,
“Hmm…..” Parallel arm, manipulator.Research Area
Dynamics and Control: Design and Modelling, Disturbance Control, Trajectory Generation, Formation
Environment Sensing: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Detection and Tracking, Visual Odometry, SLAM
Artificial Intelligence: Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Human in the Loop, Situation Awareness