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ZMART Featured in Media

The International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC) Official Website : (2016 IARC Technology Readiness Level). Quota from the last sentence: The team demonstrating this level of performance in 2016 was Zhejiang University. Other rankings and scores don’t matter. Zhejiang University has currently set the performance level for all IARC teams to beat in 2017. Zhejiang University News(浙江大学新闻办): Zhejiang Channel of the Xinhuanet(新华网浙江频道): Zhejiang Online(浙江在线-浙江日报):

ZMART made a record in the IARC history

2018年8月27日,经国际空中机器人大赛(IARC)委员会评定,浙江大学代表队ZMART以综合评分第一、比赛成绩第一,获得IARC第七代任务世界冠军,赢得2万美元比赛奖金。浙江大学成为继斯坦福大学(1995),卡耐基梅隆大学(1997),柏林工大(2000),佐治亚理工(2008),麻省理工(2009),清华大学(2013)之后IARC第七个世界冠军得主。自此第七代任务结束,IARC比赛进入第八代任务。 News featured in the media include: 电视频道报道:国际空中机器人(IARC)大赛及青少年附加赛在中国教育电视台-1 频道播出,Youku链接 College of Control Science & Engineering, Zhejiang University, “历时5年,浙大队ZMART勇夺国际空中机器人大赛世界冠军,终结第七代任务“ China Automation Association (中国自动化学会), “【2018 IARC】国际空中机器人大赛将于8月26日在北京航空航天大学体育馆开幕!大赛背景介绍与参赛队伍简介一睹为快!“ 国际空中机器人微信大赛公众号/搜狐网,“2018年国际空中机器人大赛在北京成功举办” INTERNATIONAL AERIAL ROBOTICS COMPETITION Mission 7 (2014-2018), THE INTERNATIONAL AERIAL ROBOTICS COMPETITION’S 27 Year History, “Mission 7 took a monumental leap by requiring autonomous aerial robots to interact with and control autonomous ground robots. Teams were tasked with developing systems to herd ground robots out one end of an arena in the absence of 3D cues such as walls. The ground robots could only be interacted with by touch. A top touch would command a 45° clockwise turn and a blocking action would result in a 180° turn. To complicate matters, the ground robots do a 180° turn every 20 seconds and add up to 15 degrees of trajectory noise every 5 seconds. The ground robots also impact one another and quickly devolve into non-deterministic travel. In the midst of the arena were four obstacle robots to complicate navigation and obstacle avoidance. The aerial robots had to dynamically determine a best course of action to keep the ground robots from exiting on three of four sides of the arena. In the top performances, which were replicated multiple times, the Zhejiang University team showed that its autonomous aerial robot could track individual ground robots, redirect them in either 45° or 180° increments while at the same time staying within the arena boundaries and avoiding the mobile obstacles circulating within the arena.”

Zhejiang University Aerial Robotics Team

ZMART is the abbreviation for the ZJU Micro-Aerial Robotics Team, majorly for the International Aerial Robotics Competition in the Asia-Pacific Venue. ZMART won the Best System Design Award (2015 in Beihang University) and the First Prize Award (2016 in Beihang University). 2018年8月27日,经国际空中机器人大赛(IARC)委员会评定,浙江大学代表队ZMART以综合评分第一、比赛成绩第一,获得IARC第七代任务世界冠军,赢得2万美元比赛奖金。浙江大学成为继斯坦福大学(1995),卡耐基梅隆大学(1997),柏林工大(2000),佐治亚理工(2008),麻省理工(2009),清华大学(2013)之后IARC第七个世界冠军得主。自此第七代任务结束,IARC比赛进入第八代任务。更多信息,请见页面:ZMART made a record in the IARC history Team Structure for 2017 总体组:王宏达、翁一桢、邱炜、万旭东、郭磊、叶鸿凯 感知组:朱疆成、崔粲、茹祥宇、朱均、汪哲培、王琦 ZMART featured in media 2016, ZMART Featured in Media ZMART Performance video 2016 IARC Official Results 2016 IARC Performance Collection – ZMART ZMART 2017 Trailer – We need you Award 2015 – the Best System Design Award 最佳系统设计 2016 – the First Prize (the Asia-Pacific Venue) 亚太赛区冠军 2017 – the First Prize (the Asia-Pacific Venue) 亚太赛区冠军 Competition 2016 the First Prize in the Asia-Pacific Venue 指导老师:许超、张宇 队员:王宏达、翁一桢、叶波、茹祥宇、朱均、万旭东、朱疆成、崔粲、邱炜、郭磊 Technical Progress: Visual Odometry, Boundary Detection (SVM), Dynamic Approaching (DP), Reinforcement Learning Platform: DJI M100 Task Computer: Intel NUC i5 Navigation: DJI Guidance / Hokuyo UTM-30LX Vision: Bluefox 2015 Best System Design Award in the Asia-Pacific Venue 指导老师:许超、王伟、张宇 队员:崔粲、叶长春、王宏达、翁一桢、叶波、邱炜、朱疆成、茹祥宇、黄永斌 Technical Progress: Visual Tracking to Moving Target Platform: X650 Carbon Flight Controller: Pixhawk Propulsion: T-Motor Power: ACE Navigation: Hokuyo URG-04LX / PX4-Flow Vision: Bluefox 2014 指导老师:许超 队员:秦通、翁一桢、娄常绪、黄夏楠、刘昊俣、王钟雷、陈乙宽、叶长春、朱疆成、韩滔 Technical Progress: 3D printing, ROS Platform: X650 Carbon Flight Controller: DJI Wookong Task Computer: Intel NUC i5 Propulsion: HLY / HobbyWing Power: ACE Navigation: Hokuyo UTM-30LX / Ultrosonic Sensor Vision: USB camera 2012 指导老师:许超 队员:崔粲、朱疆成、邱炜、俞中杰、王文龙、韩滔、张泉泉 Technical Progress: Flight Control, SLAM, Auto-exploration, Visual Tracking Platform: X650 Task Computer: ARM cortex A9 Flight Computer: Yutu Propulsion: 新西达(XXD) / (好盈)HobbyWing Navigation: Hokuyo UTM-30LX / Ultrosonic Sensor Power: […]