Journals | 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2008, 2007
Conferences | 2018, 2017, 2016, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007
Particle image velocimetry based on a Deep Learning Motion Estimator, S. Cai, J. Liang, Q. Gao, C. Xu, R. Wei, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2019. [paper]
Dense motion estimation of particle images via a convolutional neural network, S. Cai, S. Zhou, C. Xu, Experiments in Fluids, 2019. [paper]
Computational bilinear optimal control for a class of one-dimensional MHD flow systems, Z. Ren, Z. Zhou, T. Chen and C. Xu, ISA Transactions, 2019. [paper]
Optical plasma boundary reconstruction based on least square for EAST tokamak, H. Luo, Z. Luo, C. Xu, W. Jiang, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2018. [paper]
Computational optimal control of 1D colloid transport by solute gradients in dead-end micro-channels, T. Chen, Z. Ren and C. Xu, Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 2018. [paper]
Motion estimation under location uncertainty for turbulent fluid flow, S. Cai, E. Memin, P. Derian and C. Xu, Experiments in Fluids, 2018. [paper]
A novel passive micromixer with modified asymmetric lateral wall structures, H. Wang, L. Shi, T. Zhou, C. Xu and Y. Deng, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018. [paper]
A multiple model approach for predictive control of indoor thermal environment with high resolution, K. Li, W. Xue, C. Xu and H. Mao, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2018. [paper]
Optimal tracking control of flow velocity in a one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic flow, Z. Ren, C. Xu, Z. Wu, Engineering Optimization, 2018. [paper]
Boundary stabilization of a class of reaction-advection-diffusion systems via a gradient-based optimization approach, Z. Ren, C. Xu, Z. Zhou, Z. Wu and T. Chen, Journal of Franklin Institute, 2018. [paper]
Dynamic illumination optical flow computing for sensing multiple mobile robots from a drone, S. Cai, Y. Huang, B. Ye and C. Xu, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018. [paper]
Stability analysis of neutral stochastic delay differential equations by a generalisation of Banach’s contraction principle, Y. Guo, C. Xu, J. Wu, International Journal of Control, 2017. [paper]
Stabilization of a general heat-ODE system coupling at intermediate point, Z. Zhou, Z. Ren and C. Xu, International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control, 2017. [paper]
Control-oriented modeling of colloid transport by solute gradients in dead-end channels, T. Chen, C. Xu, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017. [paper]
Dynamic optimization of trajectory for ramp-up current profile in tokamak plasmas, Z. Ren, C. Xu and Y. Ou, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016. [paper]
The C-regularized semigroup method for partial differential equations with delays, X. Yu, G. Zheng and C. Xu, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series A (DCDS-A), 2016. [paper]
A gradient-based kernel optimization approach for parabolic distributed parameter control systems, Z. Ren, C. Xu, Q. Lin and R. Loxton, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 2016. [paper]
Controllability of Stochastic Delay Systems with Impulse in a Separable Hilbert Space, Y. Guo, C. Xu, Asian Journal of Control, 2016. [paper]
Computational optimal control of the Saint-Venant PDE model using the time-scaling technique, T. Chen, C. Xu, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016. [paper]
Dynamic optimization of open-loop input signals for ramp-up current profiles in tokamak plasmas, Z. Ren, C. Xu, Q. Lin, R. Loxton and K. Teo, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2016. [paper]
Linear backstepping output feedback control for uncertain linear systems, Y. Zhu, M. Krstic, H. Su, C. Xu, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2016. [paper]
Water hammer mitigation via PDE-constrained optimization, T. Chen, C. Xu, Q. Lin, R. Loxton and K. Teo, Control Engineering Practice, 2015. [paper]
Parameter estimation for nonlinear time-delay systems with noisy output measurements, Q. Lin, R. Loxton, C. Xu and K. Teo, Automatica, 2015. [paper]
Stabilization of a second order ODE-heat system coupling at intermediate point, Z. Zhou and C. Xu, Automatica, 2015. [paper]
Optimal boundary control for water hammer suppression in fluid transmission pipelines, T. Chen, C. Xu, Z. Ren and R. Loxton, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2015. [paper]
Start-up phase plasma discharge design of a tokamak via control parameterization method, S. Guo, K. Xu, C. Xu, Z. Ren and B. Xiao, Chinese Physics B, 2015. [paper]
Sensor deployment for pipeline leakage detection via optimal boundary control strategies, C. Xu, Y. Dong, Z. Ren, H. Jiang and X. Yu, Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 2015. [paper]
Local exponential stabilization of Fisher’s equation using the backstepping technique, X. Yu, C. Xu, H. Jiang, J. Chu, Systems & Control Letters, 2014. [paper]
Iterative learning control for linear distributed parameter systems-frequency domain design and analysis, D. Huang, X. Li, J. Xu, C. Xu and W. He, Systems & Control Letters, 2014. [paper]
The approximation for the boundary optimal control problem of Burgers-Fisher equation with constraints, X. Yu, R. Cheng, H. Jiang, Q. Zhang and C. Xu, Applied Mathematics & Computation, 2014. [paper]
The approximation for the boundary optimal control problem of heat equation defined in a variable domain, X. Yu, C. Xu, Chinese Physics B, 2014. [paper]
Time optimal Zermelo’s navigation problem with moving and fixed obstacles, B. Li, C. Xu, K. Teo and J. Chu, Applied Mathematics & Computation, 2013. [paper]
D-type anticipatory iterative learning control for a class of inhomogeneous heat equations, D. Huang, J. Xu, X. Li, C. Xu, M. Yu, Automatica, 2013. [paper]
Low dimensional modeling of linear heat transfer systems using the incremental proper orthogonal decomposition method, C. Xu and E. Schuster, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013. [paper]
Computing open-loop optimal control of the q-profile in ramp-up tokamak plasmas using the minimal-surface theory, C. Xu, Y. Ou, E. Schuster, X. Yu, Plasma Science & Technology, 2013. [paper]
Simserver simulation of a model-based current profile controller in the DIII-D plasma control system, J. Barton, Y. Ou, C. Xu, E. Schuster and M. Walker, Fusion Engineering & Design, 2011. [paper]
Sequential linear quadratic control of bilinear parabolic PDEs based on POD model reduction, C. Xu, Y. Ou and E. Schuster, Automatica, 2011. [paper]
Receding horizon optimal control of current profile evolution during the ramp-up phase at tokamaks, Y. Ou, C. Xu, E. Schuster, T.C. Luce, J.R. Ferron, M.L. Walker and D.A. Humphreys, Control Engineering Practice, 2011. [paper]
Optimal tracking control of current profile in tokamaks, Y. Ou, C. Xu, E. Schuster and ET. al., IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2011. [paper]
Robust control design for the poloidal magnetic flux profile evolution in the presence of model uncertainties, Y. Ou, C. Xu, E. Schuster, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2010. [paper]
Transport parameter estimations of current density dynamics using the extended Kalman filter, C. Xu, Y. Ou and E. Schuster, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2010. [paper]
Ramp-up-phase current profile control of tokamak plasmas via nonlinear programming, C. Xu, Y. Ou, J.N. Dalessio, E. Schuster, T.C. Luce, J.R. Ferron, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2010. [paper]
Design and simulation of extremum-seeking open-loop optimal control of current profile in the DIII-D tokamak, Y. Ou, C. Xu, E. Schuster, T.C. Luce, J.R. Ferron and M.L. Walker, Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion, 2008. [paper]
Stabilization of linearized 2D magnetohydrodynamic channel flow by backstepping boundary control, C. Xu, E. Schuster, R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, Systems & Control Letters, 2008. [paper]
Beam matching adaptive control via extremum seeking, E. Schuster, C. Xu, N. Torres, E. Morinaga, C. K. Allen, and M. Krstic, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A, 2007. [paper]
Towards model-based current profile control at DIII-D, Y. Ou, T.C. Luce, E. Schuster, J.R. Ferron, M.L. Walker, C. Xu, and D.A. Humphreys, Fusion Engineering & Design, 2007. [paper]
Time scaling transformation in quantum optimal control computation, B. Shi, C. Xu and R. Wu, the Chinese Control Conference, 2018. [paper]
Fluid motion estimation from image sequences via ensemble-based variational data assimilation, S. Cai, E. Memin, Y. Yang, and C. Xu and others, the American Control Conference, 2018. [paper]
Location uncertainty principle: toward the definition of parameter-free motion estimators, S. Cai, E. Memin, P. Derian, C. Xu, International Conference on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2017. [paper]
Stability of flapping-wing vehicle near hovering under active control by varying flapping frequency, Y. Huang, J. Liang, C. Xu, the Chinese Automation Congress, 2017. [paper]
Optimal control for realizing target flow velocity in 1D MHD flow, Z. Ren, X. Liu, C. Xu, T. Chen, Z. Wu, the 36th Chinese Control Conference, 2017. [paper]
Optimal boundary control of colloid transport by solute gradients indead-end channels, T. Chen, C. Xu, Z. Ren, the 36th Chinese Control Conference, 2017. [paper]
ADRC methodology for a quadrotor UAV transporting hanged payload, H. Wang, Y. Huang, C. Xu, the IEEE International Conference on Information & Automation, 2016. [paper]
Parameter estimation for Ginzburg-Landau equation via implicit sampling, S. Guo, C. Xu and X. Tu, the American Control Conference, 2016. [paper]
Iterative learning control of linear distributed parameter systems–frequency domain design and analysis, X. Li, D. Huang, J. Xu and C. Xu, the 13th International Conference on Control, Automation & Systems, 2013. [paper](Outstanding Paper Award)
Nonlinear programming methods for the motion planning problems of quad-rotor systems in the 3D space, Y. An, J. Zhu, C. Xu and L. Xie, the Chinese Control Conference, 2013. [paper]
Optimal path planning for Dubins’ micro-robotics using switching control, Y. An, C. Xu, Q. Lin and R. Loxton, the 10th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, 2013. [paper]
Open loop system identification for a quadrotor helicopter system, R. Schreurs, T. Han, Q. Zhang, Y. Zhu, C. Xu, S. Weiland, the 10th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, 2013. [paper]
Towards using feedback mechanisms for numerical integration of Hamiltonian systems: a spring-mass benchmark, H. Chen (Undergraduate Student), C. Xu, the 31th Chinese Control Conference, 2012. [paper]
A quick survey of nuclear fusion and plasma control, C. Xu, the 30th Chinese Control Conference, 2011. [paper]
Rank-1 incremental proper orthogonal decomposition based model order for high dimensional linear systems, C. Xu and E. Schuster, the 2011 American Control Conference, 2011. [paper]
On the recursive proper orthogonal decomposition method and applications to distributed sensing in cyber-physical systems, C. Xu, L. Luo and E. Schuster, the 2010 American Control Conference, 2010. [paper]
Control of ramp-up current profile dynamics in tokamak plasmas via the minimal-surface theory, C. Xu and E. Schuster, the 48th Conference on Decision and Control and the 28th Chinese Control Conference, 2009. [paper]
On iterative learning control of parabolic distributed parameter systems, C. Xu, R. Arastoo and E. Schuster, the 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, 2009. [paper]
Observer-based stabilization of an unstable parabolic PDE using the pseudospectral method and Sturm-Liouville theory, C. Xu and E. Schuster, the 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, 2009. [paper]
Optimal control of a parabolic PDE system arising in plasma transport via diffusivity-interior-boundary actuation, C. Xu, J.N. Dalessio and E. Schuster, the 47th Conference on Decision and Control, 2008. [paper]
Closed-loop tracking control of poloidal magnetic flux profile in tokamaks, Y. Ou, C. Xu and E. Schuster, the American Control Conference, 2008. (Best Student Paper Finalist). [paper]
Extremum seeking adaptive control of beam envelope in particle accelerators, E. Schuster, C. Xu and N. Torres, the IEEE Conference on Control Applications, 2006. [paper]