Code for AM-Traj is now available on GitHub

AM-Traj is a C++11 header-only library for generating large-scale piecewise polynomial trajectories for aggressive autonomous flights, with highlights on its superior computational efficiency and simultaneous spatial-temporal optimality. Besides, an extremely fast feasibility checker is designed for various kinds of constraints. All components in this framework leverage the algebraic convenience of the polynomial trajectory optimization problem, thus our method is capable of computing a spatial-temporal optimal trajectory with 60 pieces within 5ms, i.e., 150Hz at least. You just need to include "am_traj.hpp" and "root_finder.hpp" in your code. Please use the up-to-date master branch which may have a better performance than the one in our paper.

Author: Zhepei Wang and Fei Gao from the ZJU Fast Lab.

Related Papers:

Alternating Minimization Based Trajectory Generation for Quadrotor Aggressive Flight, Zhepei Wang, Xin Zhou, Chao Xu, Jian Chu, and Fei Gao, submitted to RA-L/IROS 2020.

Detailed Proofs of Alternating Minimization Based Trajectory Generation for Quadrotor Aggressive Flight, Zhepei Wang, Xin Zhou, Chao Xu, and Fei Gao, the supplementary material.

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