PhD Students Jiaming Liang (梁家铭) PhD Candidate BE in Automation, Zhejiang University, 2017 Interests: smart imaging, deep learning, fluid robotics
ALUMNI Hongkai Ye (叶鸿凯) Personal Website PhD in Automation, Zhejiang University,2022 Senior Decision and Planning Algorithm Engineer, DJI, Talented Program Interests: robot navigation (mainly in motion planning)
ALUMNI Kunyi Zhang (张焜怡) Ph.D., Graduated in September 2023 Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University Interests: visual inertial odometry
Alumni Zhepei Wang (汪哲培) Personal Website PhD in Automation, Zhejiang University,2022 Senior Decision and Planning Algorithm Engineer, DJI, Talented Program Interests: motion planning, autonomous systems
PhD Students Can Cui (崔粲) PhD Candidate, IEEE Member MS in Computer Science from the University of Hong Kong 2015 BE in Automation, Zhejiang University, 2012 Interests: flight control, AI in robotics
Post-doc Yongchao Wang (王永超) Master and PhD in School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University, 2021 Interests: Nonlinear control, Multi-agent RL
External co-supervisor Ximin LYU (吕熙敏) PhD ‘2019 | External co-supervisor WebSite PhD, Robotics Institute, ECE Department, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, 2019 PI of Hardware and Intelligence Lab, Sun Yat-Sen University. Interests: Aerial Robots; Mobile Robots; Dynamic Control; VTOL
Lab Director Yanjun Cao (曹燕军) PhD ‘2020 | Associated Researcher LinkedIn PhD in Computer Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal, Université de Montréal, 2020 Interests: Ultra-WideBand assisted localization; Mobile robots; Multi-robot systems, SLAM, IoT